Children's Ministry
Here at Faith, we care deeply about the spiritual well-being of even the youngest members of our church (we call them Faith Crusaders!). The Faith Crusaders worship is specially-designed for ages preschool through 6th grade. We praise God together through songs, activities, and easy-to-understand interactive Bible stories. Everyone gets a chance to participate!
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Following worship, kids will go to class for age-appropriate lessons and activities.
Parents, please review our Safe Church Policy.
Youth Ministry
Faith's Youth Group include 7th -12th graders
11:15AM - 12:30PM
Youth Group joins the worship in the Main Sanctuary for praise and then has their own service with our Youth Pastor

Women's Ministry
The Women of Faith meet on a monthly basis for fellowship, with a variety of activities, including lunch with the girls, creative projects, serving the community, and more.
Men's Ministry
The Men of Faith meet every other month for fellowship, food, and fun.